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"So don’t hide your light!  Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

This world we live in is full of darkness. We see sin, deception, ignorance & rebellion all around us. Truth is that the world doesn't know the way to God & doesn't know His ways. But as Christians, we are to let our light shine. We are to act as light in the world.

What does light do?

1. Light shines. 
Our lives should be different than the world's. We should stand out as followers of Jesus. Hey, if we are no different, then how can we stand out? I like the Newsboys song that says: “Shine, make them wonder what you got, make them wish that they were not on the outside looking bored. Shine, let it shine before all men, let them see good works, and then, let them glorify the Lord.” 

2. Light illuminates.
This means that we should point people to Jesus and His ways. We should be bold in our witness and share Him with those we come in contact with. 

3. Light reveals.
We show others how God wants us to live. We don't need to beat people over the head with the bible. It starts by them seeing Jesus revealed through us. How we live, how we talk, how we deal with life's struggles. etc.

How about people see Jesus in your life? 
I pray they do in mine. Let's shine brightly today!